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Eggplant: A Nutritious Vegetable

Eggplant is a versatile vegetable that can be cooked in many ways. It has a deep purple skin and a spongy flesh that absorbs flavors well. Eggplant is rich in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin B1, which can help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation. Baba ghanoush, a Lebanese dish, and moussaka, a Greek dish, are some of the most popular dishes made with eggplant. Eggplant is also known as aubergine in some parts of the world. It is used in many cuisines around the world such as Italian, Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and more. However, here I will introduce original recipes with eggplant from Iran.

There are many recipes that use eggplant not just as a main course but also as a dessert or side dish. You can find more recipes by searching online or in cookbooks. It is interesting to note that some people have never tried eggplant before or do not know how to use it in their cooking. I hope these recipes will encourage you to try this delicious vegetable.

Before you start cooking, I suggest you read the instruction on this webpage : how to cut eggplant to learn how to cut eggplant for different recipes. In most Persian recipes, eggplant is cut vertically.

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You can find the recipes and the name of the dishes below.