A favorite pasttime of mine where I get to spend quality time with loved ones

Travel (noun) : a journey especially to a distant or unfamiliar place
Source: merriam-webster.com

Q: When did you first start traveling abroad?
A: Though we had traveled domestically in the US, my family began to regularly travel abroad after we went on a European tour of several countries in the early 2000s.

Q: Most memorable global travel destinations?
A: UK trip (England, Scotland, and Wales); Thailand; Japan; Iberian trip (Portugal and Spain)

Q: Most recent trip?
A: Portugal (Sintra & Lisbon) for a cousin's wedding - even got to visit at SheCodes

Q: Any future travel plans?
A: I'd love to travel to Taiwan (I'm thinking of boba and their night markets), Australia (would love to see the Great Barrier Reef), Iceland (to see the Northern Lights), and visit Japan again.

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