[Salesforce] - Creating Formulas to Calculate Home | SheCodes

[Salesforce] - Creating Formulas to Calculate Home Appreciation in Salesforce

Learn how to create a formula in Salesforce that accounts for historical home appreciation and current month value.

👩‍💻 Technical question

task: salesforce formula creation objective: create a formula to calculate current value of a home based on historical appreciation records. Output estimated value based on current month. This should account for appreciation each month based on the year of the appreciation and the number of months that have elapsed since the home was purchased, based on the appreciation for the year that month existed in Notes: the following fields contain average annual appreciation of homes for the years they represent $Setup.HomeAppreciationTrends__c.X2018__c $Setup.HomeAppreciationTrends__c.X2019__c $Setup.HomeAppreciationTrends__c.X2020__c $Setup.HomeAppreciationTrends__c.X2021__c $Setup.HomeAppreciationTrends__c.X2022__c $Setup.HomeAppreciationTrends__c.X2023__c this field contains the value of the home at the time it was purchased MtgPlanner_CRM__Appraised_Value__c this field contains the date the home was purchased MtgPlanner_CRM__Closing_Date__c