SheCodes Workshops Reviews | SheCodes

SheCodes Coding Workshop Reviews

What Alumni think of SheCodes

SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women. SheCodes Workshops are hands-on, self-paced and 100% online.

Based on 215,213 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 days ago

Easy to follow and to stay on schedule. The lessons are split in a practical and convenient way. It is a lot of fun to do the challenges and the homework. Finding motivation was never an issue.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 days ago

SheCodes Basic was amazing with clear and enjoyable lessons. Every homework and final project made me feel confident to step forward. Thank you, SheCodes team, for supporting women in tech.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 5 days ago

The time spent studying this course flew by. It turned out that coding is very interesting. The course program is structured very conveniently. The lectures explain complex things in simple language so that it is easy for a beginner to understand. and challenges and homework perfectly reinforce the material covered.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 6 days ago

This Journey wasn't easy but trust me it was worth it. With all the challenges, homework, and then final project, I'm proud of the impact She-Codes has made in my life. The lessons were easy to grasp as well, a big shout-out to Mr. Matt for a Job well-done.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 7 days ago

I liked the way the lessons are delivered. The homeworks are informative and challenging but in a fun way.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 8 days ago

I thoroughly enjoyed the course material. I enjoyed the challenge of learning something completely new and achieving the weekly homework goals.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 9 days ago

The material perfectly structured for me: it was focused on syntax and major tools, dotted with some "best practice" and tips. In the challenges and homework, I especially liked that there was a bit of room for me to work a little harder and find or refine solutions on my own instead of simply repeating exactly what was shown to us. I learned so much without feeling pressured at all, and now I feel very encouraged to keep learning!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 12 days ago

I have been interested in learning to code for years and have tried several other courses (free and paid), none of which I completed because they either presupposed coding experience and advanced way too fast for me to keep up or because there was no support or feedback on the code I wrote so I would abandon the course if I got stuck. Matt explains everything in bite-sized chunks so I never felt intimidated or overwhelmed. The weekly homework gave me a chance to practise and solidify my knowledge. His teaching style makes coding so fun and accessible, that I am already looking forward to the next workshop. Happy Coding indeed :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 12 days ago

SheCodes Basics has been a great learning experience. I particularly enjoy the activities and homework, as hands on practice is how I learn best, however the videos and resources are also very helpful. I would not hesitate in recommending SheCodes to anyone who would like to learn coding.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 13 days ago

I really enjoyed this workshop. It was noticeably more challenging than others, yet it provided a deeper understanding of JavaScript. The homework assignments were particularly engaging as they gradually increased in difficulty. I would definitely recommend this workshop.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 13 days ago

The workshop is easy to follow through, beginner friendly and quite practical. I especially loved the challenges and weekly homework.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 14 days ago

SheCodes Basics is a fantastic starter course. Matt is an excellent teacher and the course is really well designed & structured. All the lessons break the concepts down into digestible chunks, and then build on one another. The challenges & homework are fun & engaging, and really help you to solidify everything you've learned. Confidently writing code in HTML, JS & CSS after only 2 weeks is amazing! I highly recommend SheCodes to anyone who is curious or considering learning web development. Huge thanks to Matt and team SheCodes 🙏 Excited to start the next course!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 14 days ago

SheCodes has provided me with an invaluable learning experience! The material is clearly explained and enjoyable to learn. Working on homework and projects has greatly helped me develop my skills. I also like that if we have any questions we can ask everyone on Slack. I am eager to continue learning and growing! Happy coding!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 15 days ago

I really liked the course, challenges, weekly homework and final project. What I really liked is the pace of the course and the way it is structured, a little challenge at the end of a session really gives a strong foundation.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 16 days ago

I thoroughly enjoyed the Python Advanced Workshop! This workshop was great in providing real csv files and using the data in building graphs. It was a transformative experience in learning how to read, manage and manipulate data. The comprehensive challenges and homework really solidified my understanding and helped build my confidence in my skill set! I had a lot of fun learning Python and I gained so much invaluable skills and knowledge throughout the process! Thank you, SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 17 days ago

This first workshop was quite educational and above all I found it entertaining, the challenges of each class along with the homework and the final project were a challenge but without a doubt I learned a lot, I am excited to continue learning.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 18 days ago

The SheCodes Plus workshop was so much fun! There were moments when some of the activities or challenges were a little difficult but I could debug and figure out the problem myself most times. I love the weather app that was built and I am so excited to learn more. I understand the concepts taught more and more as I proceed through each challenge and homework assignment. I am happy that I can say I can code!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 19 days ago

I really enjoyed going through your lessons, especially the homework. Matt explains very well and clearly. It was exciting.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 23 days ago

Learned a lot during this course. All the lessons were very informative and I love that it was so easy to seek and receive help. Went through a lot of personal things that resulted in me not being able to always submit my homework on time, and I love that I had extension options without even having to wait long for approvals. I sincerely hope this course will help me gain entry into the job market.

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3/5 - Not for everyone
🎓Graduated 24 days ago

Nowadays, React is one of the most useful and efficient libraries for building user interfaces. Unfortunately, the course was recorded a few years ago and hasn't been updated since, making it difficult to follow the steps and submit homework without asking questions on Slack about how to fix various problems.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 25 days ago

This was a great intro to coding. It taught all the basics you need and provided an understanding of HTML and CSS through practical hands-on experience. I loved the intro to HTML and CSS. Doing the coursework and homework was also a lot of fun as well. They added a great challenge.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 26 days ago

Easy to digest introduction to Python, its ins and outs. I had so much much fun with data visualisation challenges and final homework. For someone who always struggled during maths class, this is especially satisfying ;) Recommended 100% as always. Massive thank you to the whole SheCodes Team for their hard work.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 26 days ago

Very easy paced course. I was able to complete all the challenges, homeworks and project with ease. We also had the ability to extend some of our homeworks and assignment, which made it less stressful for us.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 27 days ago

I'm so inflated with excitement right now. I have always thought things like coding are extremely difficult and have their own people, but through this programme I have learned that it's doable. It needs time and practice, but definitely doable. It's not all easy, some homeworks were quite challenging, but I am glad I took this on!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 28 days ago

SheCodes is a fantastic way to learn coding skills! It's great how you can choose the time that suits you to work through that week's lessons, challenges and homework, rather than having a set time each week. Each video is very clear and explained well to help gain a good understanding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

This was the most difficult, the challenges and the homeworks but in the end it was all worth it and i coundn't be happier and grateful.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

I liked the phrase"Happy coding". That's what is really going on here)) It's so amazing how SheCodes make complicated things easy to understand. Short but efficient lessons and homework which is really checked, the community of ladies from all over the world supporting each other, the support team from SheCodes - all these turn the difficult path into "happy coding" journey! The courses are great and worth every minute and every effort !

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

Excellent Course. Easy to understand and homework is challenging enough but not extremely hard. A great introduction to coding. Thoroughly enjoyed doing it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

I'm so happy that i also took this initiative of starting my coding journey with the SheCodes Team.I got to know and understand 3 languages in a space of 3 weeks and everything was layed out so perfectly and the fact that you had the opportunity to do homeworks to test your level of understanding was epic and really enjoyed every moment when my codes started to run as expected.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

The workshop facilitators and organizers were highly knowledgeable, approachable, and supportive throughout the entire program. They created a welcoming environment, encouraging participation. Their expertise and guidance were invaluable, making the learning experience seamless. The curriculum was well-structured, covering a range of topics that were both relevant and engaging. The content was delivered through a mix of interactive homeworks and a project, keeping us engaged and motivated. The materials provided were comprehensive and well-organized, serving as a valuable resource for future reference.

2/5 - Not recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

I have done my homework

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

SheCodes Basics is a great way to get into the coding world. I love every practice and homework assignment. It is also very easy to follow as a beginner.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

I was really excited to learn about Python and add to my frameworks of other programming languages. Matt made the learning easy to understand and I really enjoyed all the challenges, homework and the final project. Thank you, SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

The SheCodes learning format of tutorials, challenges and deadlines for homework really gets you in the zone for learning and committed to achieving success. I found the content engaging and easy to follow, putting into practice what I learnt as a final project was very rewarding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

Great, smooth pace class. The homework was great to apply the lessons.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 month ago

The course was very informative and the instructor, Mr. Delac guided through all the basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I enjoyed all the challenges and homeworks assigned. This course is very thorough for beginners. Really recommend for anyone looking to learn HTML or brush up on foundations of it. I look forward to the next course.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

I highly recommend SheCodes to anyone who want to learn coding. Matt makes learning so easy and fun. I had zero knowledge of coding and had always thought it was like rocket science. Through this basic training, I have found myself loving it and very easy to follow and apply when doing homework challenges and projects.

3/5 - Not for everyone
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

I successfully completed the Basics workshop and feel that I have a some knowledge about html, css, and java script. It is a relatively cost effective way to get introduced to coding. The course took much longer than the advertised 5 hours per week for absolute beginners. I am not an absolute beginner and the first week took me 12 hours. The instructor moves pretty fast and didn't stop to cover things that an absolute beginner would need to know. I know the deadlines are flexible, but since the course took much longer than advertised I had big breaks between weeks and had to go back and review the previous lesson before I could move on. The homeworks and final project expected me to complete things that had not been modeled by the instructor. I took advantage of the cheatsheets and google search. I learned, in part, because I like to solve problems.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

Before starting Shecodes, I was learning HTML and CSS on my own but wasn’t really motivated by myself and was a bit confused by JavaScript. After trying Shecodes I became very interested in learning to code and the homework and projects kept me engaged and motivated to keep learning. Matt Delac makes things easy to understand and there is always a community to look to when you have questions!

Coding Workshops for Women

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

I really enjoy how the concepts were explained and the course was build e.g. with the mix of theoretical video, challenge and homework - it allows students to remobilise what they have learnt without feeling too overwhelmed. Other students were also super reactive on Slack as well as SheCodes' team. Week 1 too me more time than expected so I was a bit worried whether I would finish the course in 3 weeks, but actually week 2 and 3 are less heavy, so all was fine!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

Every time I finish a project, I feel more confident about my coding abilities. I used to think I would never get any better, but here I am getting better everyday and improving. I like that there is homework and they tell you if you did well or if you need to redo it. It gives you the chance to keep practicing. I also like that this project built on top of each other. Each week you learned a little and would apply it and by the end of the project, you're using what you have learned to build a final project.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

The workshop was incredibly well-structured, starting with the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts. One of the highlights of the workshop was the inclusion of homework and projects, which led me to engage with real-time projects and face challenges head-on. By finishing this workshop, I am more eager than ever to delve deeper into the world of programming. I feel more confident in my abilities and inspired to continue my learning journey. This workshop not only equipped me with essential web development skills but also ignited a passion for continuous improvement and exploration in the field. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone interested in web development.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

At first the homeworks were very challenging but the tutorial videos were a great help, i really enjoyed shecodes plus and am really happy i got to learn some new things

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

I stumbled on this SheCodes course by chance. I'd been hearing about coding for a while then, and I had always felt curious about it. Since the online course allowed me to learn at one's own pace, I decided to give it a try. And I LOVED it! Despite my raging ADHD, I managed to finish the course a week in advance. The lessons were short and clear, and I found the challenges and homework enjoyable. Once I sat down in front of my PC, I couldn't stop working until I was satisfied with my progress. Being a short course, it obviously covered only the basics, but even so I feel like I learned a lot. I'm seriously thinking about buying the following courses now!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

The SheCodes Basics course has been a great introduction to web development. I learnt a lot of new things and had a lot of fun completing the homework and final project. Looking forward to learning even more new things and some cool tricks on the more advanced SheCodes courses!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

The basics workshop is perfect for busy individuals. Matt teaches exactly what you need to create an interactive page in 15 minutes or less. The homework assignments are a great way to apply what you learned and if you can't submit it on time, extensions are available. I can't wait to continue onto Basics Add-on and so on. Thank you, SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

I LOVED this course!! It was exactly what I needed, something that allows me to go at my own pace, but still incorporates homework and deadlines to work towards. I really loved the challenges after each lesson as this allowed me to practice what we had just learnt independently and Matt thoroughly explaining the solutions afterwards made it x10 better. Although I did not use the Slack channel, it was great to know that support was available if I needed it. Overall, purchasing this course was one of the best decisions I have made for myself and I am excited to continue my coding journey. Although it took me slightly longer than 3 weeks, I got there in the end. Thank you Matt and the SheCodes team!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

It was not easy for me, because I am completely beginner in this field, and i have done all my exercises in the late evening, after work. And all the time I was late with my homework :))). It was interesting, although there were few times when I wanted to give up :). I am happy with the new experience, which I hope will help me in my future decisions.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 months ago

It was a hard couple of weeks of learning (in my opinion as the module is densed and packed of learnings) but I wouldn't have gone through it without Shecode's slack support team that really helped me figure out where I did wrong on my homework or when I just don't understand anything at all they're there to help! It was fun and frustrating at the same time but here I am! I did it and I am still pushing on to finish this till the end :)

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4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

The course was explained in a manner that was easy to digest and understand. The mini-challenges were fun, and the weekly homework was challenging and helpful. I enjoyed this basics workshop a lot and I can't wait to keep practicing my front-end skills!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

Completing the SheCode Plus workshop has been an incredible journey for me. It was definitely a roller coaster in terms of learning, but thanks to the guidance of Matt and the support of the Slack team, I was able to navigate through every challenge and emerge victorious.One of the most remarkable aspects of the SheCode Plus workshop was the dedication of the instructors and the community. Matt's guidance was invaluable, and the Slack team was always there to provide assistance whenever I needed it. Their unwavering support motivated me to complete each and every homework assignment, ensuring that I was thoroughly prepared for my final project.I can confidently say that SheCode Academy deserves a perfect 10/10 rating. The quality of the curriculum, the support system in place, and the overall learning experience exceeded my expectations. I feel empowered with the knowledge and skills I've gained, and I'm excited to apply them in my future endeavors. I am now certified web developer!!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

I am surprised with how much I've already learned at SheCodes in only 3 weeks. Looking forward to learning more. I really enjoy the format of the course and that I can go at my own pace while keeping accountable to the homework deadlines.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

I found this an excellent way to motivate new learners like myself to gain coding skills; I have been struggling learning to code for years and I finally feel confident to start my own projects using what I have learned doing this course. The resources are handy and the videos are a good length; they are easy to follow and quite informative without being so long they become overwhelming. I have really enjoyed doing the challenges and the homework throughout the course; they were excellent revision aids too! Thank you so much to Matt and everyone at SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

I really enjoyed the workshop, Matt's explanations were very clear and he made things easy to understand. The homework and challenges were a great way to put new knowledge into practice.

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

The course is relatively easy to comprehend. Challenges, homework's , and the project were great ways to learn .

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

It was amazing experince because i was being introduced to the coding language such as html, css and javascript i was so excited about the homework and the project because the lesson was taught in very favourable condition which allow anyone to understand what is being taught from beggining up to the end of the project am supper happy and cannot wait to pursue the upcoming project as well as i was enjoying the basic workshop

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

I am thrilled I continued my SheCodes journey to learn even more about coding! The videos are straightforward to follow, with homework challenges along the way to help you practice what you have learned. See you in SheCodes React, looking forward to the final part of this exciting journey! Highly recommended!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

As someone who already have experience within development, it's always nice to get the basics refreshed, but this is on the very basic level. I will definitely recommend the basic course to completely new developers, Matt is very good at descriping what he does and show helpful websites for specific situations. The homework is a good way of keeping you motivated and put to use what you have learned thoughout the week. The pacing is also super nice, you can take it in your own pace and I personally didn't feel rushed or felt it was too slow. But if you already have some experience in the field, unless you're looking to get some refreshers or are interested in some of the other SheCodes courses, I might look elsewhere.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

Very easy bite-sized videos for students to absorb information, easy to learn, and also I love the weekly homework to keep us on track :)

Coding Workshops for Women

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

Having just completed the Basics programme, I would highly recommend this to anyone starting out on their coding journey. The training videos are bite-sized, so it's easy to take in all the information that you need. The concepts are broken down really well and the challenges and homework have been a lot of fun to complete. I can't wait to move on to some more advanced coding now and carry on the rest of the journey!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

SheCodes lessons are well paced and structured, making it very helpful to understand and complete their homework challenges. Their Add-On course has definitely broadened my coding knowledge. I'm looking forward to moving unto the next course with SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

SheCodes has been such an amazing experience, Matt is a great teacher and each challenge and homework really taught me practical skills which is what is different from any other learning platform. The fact that we have our very own AI makes she codes a premium academy.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

Attending the SheCodes Basic was a game-changer for me helped me to understand coding and HTLM CSS and Javascprit. Matt is a great instructor easy to understand.The video are very helpful not boring and after each video I like that you get to test what you have learn with a homework. I finish the course feeling that I have a good starting knowledge and skills. Thank you to this course, I now feel more confident in to the word of coding and exciting about the next steps ahead!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

SheCodes courses are well-paced, structured, and engaging, with practical homework projects to help you deepen your understanding of the materials. This Add-On course, though only for one week, has further broadened my coding knowledge, and as always, I wholeheartedly recommend SheCodes to anyone who has been thinking about learning coding!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

I can't say enough good things about my journey with SheCodes learning React. Matt's teaching style made everything click for me; his explanations were clear and easy to follow. Sure, I hit a few bumps along the way with debugging and Netlify, but those challenges only made the victories sweeter. What I loved most about SheCodes was the hands-on approach. The project was super fun and practical, also on my domain which is language, helping me really understand how React works in the real world. Plus, the community support made it feel like I was never alone in my learning journey. Now that I've submitted my final homework, I can't help but feel proud of how far I've come. Thanks to SheCodes, I've not only learned React but also gained confidence in my coding abilities. It's been an amazing experience, and I can't wait to see where my coding journey takes me next!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

This program has been easy to follow and understand; even for someone with minimal to no experience in coding. The videos were short and full of information, and completing homework assignments was easier with all the resources She Codes provides.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

I really enjoyed SheCodes Basic! 😃 I toke all the classes and dedicated three weeks to go through them, as suggested. I felt I had enough time to digest the material and apply the principles learned on all the homework as well. I feel SheCodes made a User-Friendly and Intuitive Platform for Women and a safe environment for beginners like me that can confidently start learning and enjoying learning! I'm happy for this experience and Coding doesn't look so 👾SCARY👾 anymore! Looking forward to learn more!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

The course is extremely well-structured. Over several weeks, you receive a lot of input, many small application-related challenges and homework assignments, and many helpful insights into very useful tools. For me, the last week with the weather forecast and the multiple functions was my biggest challenge. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to the next course, which is already booked. Thank you very much. I am very happy.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

The classes were very well explained, and each week I was pushed to apply newfound knowledge thanks to all the homeworks and challenges. I'm very satisfied with the program so far. :)

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

These three weeks have been a lot to learn for someone who has no foundation in coding however, I can confidently say it has been a transformative experience. The course provided a deep dive into various web development technologies, including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The hands-on homework gave me the practical skills needed to build responsive and dynamic web applications. the instructor was dedicated and passionate about teaching and ensuring we succeed. The support and guidance throughout the course was invaluable, making complex concepts easy to understand. Thank you Matt !

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 months ago

I have never taken any coding classes before SheCodes as I am a registered nurse, but after starting my hobby of building replica Star Wars droids I found it was useful to learn some basic coding. I started with some Arduino projects which I really enjoy so I was looking to learn some new computer languages. SheCode was fun and helpful by having homework that made me apply what I was learning with each lesson. I hope to keep on building what I learned in the basics course.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

The basic Add-on has been fun and little challenging at the same time. I had an amazing experience and it was great to learn more new things. The hands on homeworks and the project has allowed me to apply what I learned and I got to learn more practical experience. The instructors were so helpful to guide me through the challanges.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

It was very easy to follow and I loved that there were tasks(challenges) and homework that I had to do!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

The way the workshop is built is great; the videos explain the subject clearly, and with the homework and projects, you get motivated to continue and keep going. Highly recommend it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

Hey. I thought I couldn't make it every time I was ending a homework. Turns out that now I know how to code... Really liked SheCodes, I'm also thinking about trying others classes that they have, Thank you Matt and all of SheCodes team for this project.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

A very interesting workshop, gained a lot of practical skills throughout each homework and the project, looking forward to improving my skills from basics to plus and i am also looking forward to this whole journey.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

Doing this part of the course was very challenging, the tasks became more complex, but through the homework projects given, each challenge got better. I highly recommend practicing same time when Matt is explaining to ensure full understanding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I had a great experience with the SheCodes Basics Workshop! The lessons were concise yet thorough and the homework assignments helped keep me accountable with completing the course in a short timeframe. Would definitely recommend.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I've really enjoyed the Basics SheCodes course. The recorded sessions are clear and easy to follow. The challenges and homework assignments are both challenging and fun! I'd definitely recommend this course to anyone who is curious about coding and works in a role that has touch points with product/tech teams!

Coding Workshops for Women

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215,213 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

This has been fun and challenging at the same time. I had an amazing experience with SheCodes learned how to code in different programming languages. Through the program, I learned valuable coding skills in languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The hands on homeworks and the project allowed me to apply what I learned and I got to learn practical experience. The instructors were so helpful to guide me through the challanges. SheCodes has helped me to build a strong foundation in coding. I am so grateful for the opportunities it has opened for me. I highly recommend SheCodes to anyone looking to dive into the world of coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I learned what APIs are and how they are integrated into our projects to provide functionality. I like to know that for every lesson learned, everything is put into practice when it comes to homework. I am excited for the next Workshop.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

Great and easy-to-follow workshop! The instructions were easy to understand. The homework helped me grasp concepts quickly, and the well designed videos made learning enjoyable. I highly recommend this workshop for starting to learn coding abilities.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

For anyone who wants to start learning code, this workshop is very interesting. You will be challenged with different exercises, and everything is well explained, homework and deadlines are really good to be engaged to continue learning.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I started off as a complete beginner not knowing a thing. I decided to take a chance one day and joined a free class, safe to say I was sold. I applied through the SheCodes Foundation and got accepted. I began my coding journey with SheCodes basics and was amazed by all of the things I was able to do with a few lines of code. Matt is an amazing teacher and explains everything so well. I enjoyed all the challenges as it made you think about every possible solution and although the homework made me want to cry when I finally got it right, I was super proud of myself. Overall, I would give this course a well-deserved 10 out of 10.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

She Codes has been instrumental in advancing my front-end development skills. Their structured approach, including homework assignments designed to reinforce learning, has truly solidified my understanding of the material. With each task, I find myself revisiting and reinforcing what I've learned, ensuring a deeper level of comprehension and skill development

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

As amazing as the previous course. It offers a perfect balance between guidance and freedom. Matt explains everything step by step so you can't get lost, your homework is checked so you know you're on the right track, but you're also encouraged to incorporate your ideas into the coding and free to work at your own pace. The lessons motivated me to find out more about each topic and the project left me hungry to learn further.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I highly recommend SheCodes to anyone who want to learn coding. Matt makes learning so easy and fun. I had zero knowledge of coding and had always thought it was like rocket science. Through this basic training, I have found myself loving it and very easy to follow and apply when doing homework challenges and projects.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

As a participant in the recent coding workshop, I can confidently say that it was an incredibly enriching experience. My journey through the three-week program, focused on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, has significantly enhanced my coding skills and provided me with valuable insights into web development. One of the most valuable aspects of the workshop was the hands-on approach to learning. The final project and homework assignments challenged me to apply the concepts I learned in real-world scenarios, reinforcing my understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Through these practical exercises, I gained confidence in my coding abilities and developed a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of web development. The quality of instruction throughout the workshop was exceptional. The instructor was knowledgeable, approachable, and passionate about sharing his expertise. His clear explanations and practical examples helped demystify complex concepts, making them more accessible and easier to grasp. Overall, I am immensely satisfied with my participation in the coding workshop. It has not only equipped me with valuable technical skills but also instilled in me a sense of confidence and enthusiasm for pursuing further growth in the field of web development. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone looking to enhance their coding skills and embark on a rewarding journey in the world of web development.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I love how straightforward Matt is when teaching. It makes the concepts easier to comprehend. I also like how helpful the staff is especially when I need help with homework. I gained a lot from the Responsive class. Thanks to Matth Delac for this privilege of learning.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I highly recommend SheCodes, the tutorials are simple and easy to follow and the little successes with the exercises and homework projects definitely keep you motivated to continue. Its challenging enough to keep you engaged and not feel overwhelmed. The basics is a great introduction to frontend development.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

The SheCodes Basic workshop was amazing experience ! Lessons were easy to follow and understand. I liked the fact that you can study in your own pace but have strict weekly homework and final project to complete. Definitely will continue my journey in coding! Thank you so much SheCodes team!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I love how straightforward Matt is when teaching. It makes the concepts easier to comprehend. I also like how helpful the staff is especially when I need help with homework.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I enjoyed learning how to code. The homework and material was very interesting. Thank you

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

It's been a wonderful learning journey - I highly recommend this course. Excellent teaching - great homework activities to test what you are learning. I have learnt a lot in the past few weeks.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

Great and easy-to-follow workshop! The instructions were easy to understand. The homework helped me grasp concepts quickly, and the well designed videos made learning enjoyable. I highly recommend this workshop for starting to learn coding abilities.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

I have been a fan of the work of everyone at SheCodes since last year, 2023. With everyone's testimony of how they loved the different SheCodes coding workshops, i got the courage to apply and join the WomenInTech statistic. This is by far my most favourite coding workshop and Matt delivers his videos and homework in such a way that it is easy to understand but also challenges to put our best foot forward. This is only the beginning. I can't wait to explore more and to enhance my skills with SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

What a journey! It's incredible how many things are condensed into the Basics workshop and what you are able to achieve at its conclusion. I highly recommend this workshop to all the ladies interested in coding, even if they thought it was too hard, difficult, or only for people with an IT background. The classes and homework are really well-structured and hands-on, making the workshop engaging and motivating. Thanks Matt & team!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

My instructor made everything easy and understandable. For a beginner this was a perfect start. All my homework’s where approved on a first submission🥳.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

Best beginner coarse i have ever gone through .the content is paced to allow any student who's new to html to grasp concept easily and I've learned some much in 3 weeks I got feedback on my homework within 24 hours and the slack channels were helpful .I can't wait to see what I'll learn in the Basics add-on.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 4 months ago

SheCodes is a great coding bootcamp to learn from. The way that they teach is very beautiful because, as a beginner, you understand word for word what they are trying to teach you. SheCodes not only gives you an opportunity to develop a coding skill, but it also gives you an opportunity to actually feel how it would be if you were in a tech company and had deadlines to meet—this is shown through the homework and projects given. This basic workshop taught me a lot, and I am thankful. I would highly recommend SheCodes to anyone.